NAPS is Recognized as a Leader in Environmental Stewardship

NAPS is Recognized as a Leader in Environmental Stewardship

Published On: December 8, 2011

NAPS is Recognized as a Leader in Environmental Stewardship

Published On: December 8, 2011

North American Production Sharing, Inc. (NAPS) received recognition for its contribution to Mexico’s 2011 “Environmental Leadership Program for Competitiveness” administered by Mexico’s Federal Environmental Agency and counterpart to the EPA, SEMARNAT. This program is designed to increase the competitiveness of small and medium size businesses through training in eco-efficiency.

Leader companies such as NAPS work with clients, vendors and suppliers for a coordinated approach to increase efficiency and reduce waste. By learning about best practices in the industry, companies achieve increased efficiency in a variety of areas including energy, water, packaging materials, the redesign of processes to maximize the use of residuals, and lowering levels of contamination.

Jose Luis Amelco, Environmental Compliance Manager for NAPS, led this initiative in collaboration with SEMARNAT and key personnel including engineers, plant managers and supervisors from nine companies operating in Mexico under NAPS’ management services. NAPS’ clients who participated in the 42 -hour environmental training held from September to November were: ACK, Bimba, Birdair, Blue Streak, CCS, Comunicaciones de Calidad (Qualcomm), JAE Tijuana, Monster Cable and Speck. NAPS office personnel were also trained along with representatives of recycling company Arjamex. Twenty-two people received training and 23 projects were generated as a result of the course presented by the Association for Sustainable Environmental Development led by Alejandra Padilla.

On Nov. 28th Amelco accepted the leadership award on behalf of NAPS from Juan Rafael Elvira Quesada, Mexico’s Secretary for the Environment and Natural Resources in Mexico City. NAPS is one of 91 companies recognized for environmental stewardship on a national level, including 9 corporations from Tijuana such as Lala, Medtronic, Panasonic, Parker and Toyota, among others.

There were 120 individual companies from Tijuana that participated in the Environmental Leadership program in 2011. All companies will receive a certificate from SEMARNAT. A report on the savings each company was able to achieve is due to be issued by December 16.

As a leading shelter company in the northwest of Mexico, NAPS is committed not only to help its clients maximize savings in running operations in Mexico, but to facilitate the process for companies to have a positive impact on the environment and on the lives of people who live and work where NAPS manages maquiladora operations.

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