Improvement of Mexico’s Manufacturing Infrastructure

Improvement of Mexico’s Manufacturing Infrastructure

Published On: January 4, 2013

Improvement of Mexico’s Manufacturing Infrastructure

Published On: January 4, 2013

NAPS, Inc. Announces Improvement of Mexico’s Manufacturing Infrastructure
Linear competitiveness is key to manufacturing success in U.S.

SOLANA BEACH, Calif. – 01.04.13  Mexico is emerging as a manufacturing superpower that rivals the capabilities of the Asian market. This fact is being overshadowed by drugs, violence and immigration reform, which are hot-button issues for Americans in terms of U.S.-Mexico relations. However, because of the faster growth rate in Mexico, the need for improving trade and economic policy south of the border is paramount for the United States. Packaging, automotive and electronics are some of the industries who are beginning to recognize the advantages of manufacturing in Mexico.

As one of the most energy secure nations with a rising population, Mexico supplies the manufacturing industry with stability and a strong knowledge base in the form of a young, educated workforce. For the United States, or companies interested in selling to the U.S., Mexico offers geographical closeness to America, a modernized infrastructure that is fully capable of transporting goods efficiently, and duty-free labor and packaging.

Manufacturing in Mexico is a joint effort with the United States. Mexican imports contain roughly 40 percent U.S. materials, resulting in the same percentage of return for every dollar spent on imports, which is money that stays in the country. The same cannot be said for Chinese imports. Improvement of trade and economic policies can solve the other problems that detract from modern Mexican business. The strong U.S. economy has helped Mexico in the past. Now Mexico can do the same for the United States. Mexican competitiveness, then, shares a linear relationship with America in that when one country grows, both succeed.

Companies should consider packaging in Mexico as a viable option at the very least. Shipping from Mexico takes a shorter amount of time and costs less. Shipping in bulk, with retail packaging in Mexico, allows flexibility to be built into the production process.

For more information on how to move your manufacturing operations into Mexico, contact NAPS, Inc. and let us take the work out of the logistical challenge.

NAPS, Inc. has been an authority on manufacturing in Mexico for over 20 years. Our professionals are experts in the outsourcing of administrative and managerial services for clients worldwide who are looking to move their operational facilities into the world of Mexico manufacturing in order to experience the cost savings that are improving the bottom lines of companies across industry boundaries. As one of many shelter companies, we are able to separate ourselves from competitors and make our client’s operations more profitable by utilizing our time-tested and client-approved, five-point operating model.

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